
Oliver Formstone-Teller

Unit 1 Evidence in sketchbook and blog of the following assessment criteria: 1.1  Select traditional materials, tools and equipment to explore a technique or idea 1.2  Select non-traditional materials, tools and equipment to explore a technique or idea 1.3  Record initial ideas on the potential use of traditional and non-traditional materials, tools and  equipment 2.1  Prepare basic materials to experiment with techniques and ideas 2.2  Use traditional and non-traditional techniques to make experimental pieces 'My exquisite corpse' made from clay pointed stick to make lines and face details. Paint added (acrylic paint)  Jackson Pollock experiments 1.2, 2.2 using a straw to blow the paint around Further evidence of formal elements and traditional / non traditional art / techniques / materials / tools in sketchbook. Work annotated and evaluated in sketchbook. A02 additional evidence in sketchb...

Jess Roughton

Unit 1 1.1  Select traditional materials, tools and equipment to explore a technique or idea 1.2  Select non-traditional materials, tools and equipment to explore a technique or idea 1.3  Record initial ideas on the potential use of traditional and non-traditional materials, tools and  equipment 2.1  Prepare basic materials to experiment with techniques and ideas 2.2  Use traditional and non-traditional techniques to make experimental pieces 2.3  Describe the qualities of the materials, tools and techniques used to make the experimental  pieces See sketchbook and blog posts for full evidence,  all sketchbook work is annotated describing qualities and recording initial ideas. Experimenting with clay - turning 'My Exquisite Corpse' into a clay piece.  See sketchbook for surreal, automative drawing tools and materials used: Air dry clay Craft knife, pin and stick to make marks Silver metal paint a...

Philip Easton

Unit 1:  1.1  Select traditional materials, tools and equipment to explore a technique or idea 1.2  Select non-traditional materials, tools and equipment to explore a technique or idea 1.3  Record initial ideas on the potential use of traditional and non-traditional materials, tools and  equipment 2.1  Prepare basic materials to experiment with techniques and ideas 2.2  Use traditional and non-traditional techniques to make experimental pieces 2.3  Describe the qualities of the materials, tools and techniques used to make the experimental  pieces See sketchbook tasks including landscape assignment and experimental tests. Air dry clay to make 3-D model of My Exquisite Corpse   Pencil drawing workshop - shading, scale techniques including Phil's drawings.  3.1  Describe visual qualities of the experimental pieces produced 3.2  Experiment with methods used to further dev...

Bethany Allen Mullroy

Unit 1  1.1  Select traditional materials, tools and equipment to explore a technique or idea 1.2  Select non-traditional materials, tools and equipment to explore a technique or idea 1.3  Record initial ideas on the potential use of traditional and non-traditional materials, tools and  equipment 2.1  Prepare basic materials to experiment with techniques and ideas 2.2  Use traditional and non-traditional techniques to make experimental pieces 2.3  Describe the qualities of the materials, tools and techniques used to make the experimental  pieces 3.1  Describe visual qualities of the experimental pieces produced 3.2  Experiment with methods used to further develop experimental pieces 3.3  Discuss the visual qualities of the experimental pieces 3.4  List any applicable health and safety factors and regulations See sketchbook for evidence of all AOs as well as evidence listed o...