Bethany Allen Mullroy
- 1.1 Select traditional materials, tools and equipment to explore a technique or idea
- 1.2 Select non-traditional materials, tools and equipment to explore a technique or idea
- 1.3 Record initial ideas on the potential use of traditional and non-traditional materials, tools and equipment
- 2.1 Prepare basic materials to experiment with techniques and ideas
- 2.2 Use traditional and non-traditional techniques to make experimental pieces
- 2.3 Describe the qualities of the materials, tools and techniques used to make the experimental pieces
- 3.1 Describe visual qualities of the experimental pieces produced
- 3.2 Experiment with methods used to further develop experimental pieces
- 3.3 Discuss the visual qualities of the experimental pieces
- 3.4 List any applicable health and safety factors and regulations
- See sketchbook for evidence of all AOs as well as evidence listed on blog.
- All Ao3 evidence can be seen in sketchbook.
- Beth
1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2
Beth developing work using the workshop techniques
- 1.1 Identify and use formal elements of design
- 1.2 Develop ideas from primary and secondary sources
- 1.3 Develop ideas using appropriate visual language
- 1.4 Present ideas for chosen mixed media work
- 1.5 Discuss ideas and opinions to gain feedback from others
- 2.1 Plan work using mixed media techniques
- 2.2 Produce work to a mixed media design brief
- 2.3 Present final work for a mixed media design brief
- 2.4 Identify risks and hazards in the work area
- See sketchbook for research, planning, feedback, evaluation and annotations showing reflection and development and visual language / formal elements awareness.
Changed idea and used wool and paint to create more texture - using colours to build up a collage of Harry Styles.
Photographed, uploaded into Photoshop to add text.
Materials: Wool, paint, bird seed, string, glue, permanent marker pen
Techniques; rolling and bunching bits of wool to create fluffy effect.
- 3.1 Make suggestions to develop or improve work
- 3.2 Contribute to formal discussions of ideas and opinions
Unit 3
1 Be able to develop ideas for 2-dimensional (2D) design brief The learner can:
1.1 Identify and use formal elements of design
1.2 Develop ideas from primary and secondary sources
1.3 Develop ideas using appropriate visual language
1.4 Present ideas for chosen 2D work
1.5 Discuss ideas and opinions to gain feedback from others
2 Be able to produce work for a 2D design brief The learner can:
2.1 Plan work using 2D techniques
2.2 Produce work to a 2D design brief
2.3 Present final work for a 2D design brief
2.4 Identify risks and hazards in the work area
3 Be able to review and reflect on own work The learner can:
3.1 Make suggestions which would develop or improve work
3.2 Contribute to formal discussions of ideas and opinions
See sketchbook for mood board and research as well as test pieces 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
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